Sunday, August 19, 2007

One Week

Wednesday August 15th, 2007 is the day we landed in Entebbe. It has been one week. So why does is it seem that we have been here so much longer. Maybe it is the transition from the Western world to Africa. Maybe it is the "back to basics" mentality that we have had to adopt. Hmm.
For me it is the clash of western world modern ideals and Uganda's adaptation to it. We have very modern conveniences here. Cell phones, Internet cafes, electricity. But to get to the Internet cafe I have to pass by mud huts, dirt roads, and bike taxis? People take bucket baths and cook on charcoal stoves outside, but use a cell phone to call next door to borrow more oil for the stew? Why is there no waste management system, but there is a cell phone dealer on every corner? There is an obvious gap in so-called "progress".
However, it is interesting to work with people who know way more than I do about navigating the world wide web, but do not know how to use Microsoft Word. Here, people have been catapulted into the 21st century without having to go through the trial and errors we did with technology. Cell phones have swept Eastern Africa, but basic telephone lines hardly made a dent here. Whereas in the US- basic phone lines are now almost obsolete. I love the fact that I was able to watch Drum Line (the movie) on cable last night but I resented the fact that I had to run out to the pit latrine during the commercial breaks. It makes you wonder.

More Updates

Hey people. "Wasuze otya?" That is loosley "Good Morning" in Lusoga. I am learning bit by bit. I have found out that I maybe in the Lusoga speaking region. That is sort of central eastern Uganda. Towards Jinja. Tht's pretty neat, b/c that is the source of the Nile. Not so neat, because there will be tons of frogs. Ugh. Gotta take the good with the bad and keep it moving.

So, news updates- I got a phone!!!! I will not publish my number here b/c this is a public blog. There's is no telling who might call me. But you can contact my mom if you would like to call me. You will need a Africa phone card- or an international card that can call Eastern Africa. Incoming txts and calls are free for me. Outgoing international calls or texts is too expensive for my PCT budget. I was only able to send 10 txts with my prepaid card. So I will keep my phone on and wait for calls from you!!! I am 7 hours ahead of EST, 8 hours ahead of CST, and 10 hrs ahead for PST. But, I am impatiently waiting for my siblings and family to call so I don't care what time it is. I am answering the phone!!!!

Luweero is where I am for training. It is nice here and electircity is sometimes on, sometimes off. I still haven't gotten used to the pit latrines, but I am hoping that will come with time. Let's just say- my shoes have recieved many a christening! That reminds me, Hey, mom where are my sneakers!!! Ta Ta for now.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Uganda is For Me

Okay. This is what I tell myself everyday. Uganda is For Me. Uganda is For Me. Uganda is For Me. It has been a HUGE adjustment. I am currently in Luweero learning the Luganda and Lusoga language, about Peace Corps Uganda, and how to start over. pit latrines-internet cafes. dirt-roads-cell phones. bucket baths-electricity. electricity one day-gone the next. It has been a major adjustment. I used to pick on my friends as being so-called bougeiise (however you spell it). Ummmm I think I can now be added to that category!!! It has been a lot to get adjusted too. I am learning a lot. I actually am having a lot of fun and trying to take it all in stride. Everyone here has made our adjustment easy and I thank God for that. I am blessed with a great host family. I have a great group of people that I work with. There are so many things to say, but it is getting dark here now- and my everyday goal is to be in the house before dark. From the monkeys to the wild chickens and the pit latrines far away from the house to the FROGS. I make sure I make it home before dark!!! I will write more later. Check me out soon.

Monday, August 6, 2007

A Bittersweet Goodbye

I leave for Uganda tomorrow. After years of contemplating this decision and a year of applying, interviewing, and medical clearance I finally get to leave. Finally! Why the Peace Corps? I have wanted to go to the Peace Corps or something like it for quite sometime. Peace Corps in particular will provide me with a medium to do the kind of work I truly want to do. I am excited about this life-changing opportunity. I won't be the same after this experience. However, I will greatly miss my family and friends. I am thankful to have such a great support system in NC. But, now I am blessed again with a great supportive training class. My fellow PCT's (Peace Corps Trainees) are GREAT! Check out some of their sites at the bottom of my page. I know the next few months will be great with these people. I have had my moments of doubt, frustration (packing), sadness, and fear (of frogs). But, I know I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST! So these apprehensions have no place with me. Our intensive cultural and job training begins this week and ends in October, so this will be my last blog for sometime. During this training I will not have a cell phone and very limited access to the internet. If I do have internet access I will check my email and this blog page for comments. So please make a comment. You don't have to log in, just put your name in the text of the comment and then I will know who you are. Please keep me and my fellow PCT's in your prayers. I am signing off for now.