Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Uganda is For Me

Okay. This is what I tell myself everyday. Uganda is For Me. Uganda is For Me. Uganda is For Me. It has been a HUGE adjustment. I am currently in Luweero learning the Luganda and Lusoga language, about Peace Corps Uganda, and how to start over. pit latrines-internet cafes. dirt-roads-cell phones. bucket baths-electricity. electricity one day-gone the next. It has been a major adjustment. I used to pick on my friends as being so-called bougeiise (however you spell it). Ummmm I think I can now be added to that category!!! It has been a lot to get adjusted too. I am learning a lot. I actually am having a lot of fun and trying to take it all in stride. Everyone here has made our adjustment easy and I thank God for that. I am blessed with a great host family. I have a great group of people that I work with. There are so many things to say, but it is getting dark here now- and my everyday goal is to be in the house before dark. From the monkeys to the wild chickens and the pit latrines far away from the house to the FROGS. I make sure I make it home before dark!!! I will write more later. Check me out soon.


Unknown said...

Hey Renee, I saw your sister at Walmart and she let Eddie and I know you made it. It sounds like a huge adjustment, but you will adjust in no time. We miss you already.

Unknown said...

One more think... the wild chickens, monkeys and the pit latrines is a lot to adjust to. We will understand if that takes some time.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you made it safely there and everything is going to be alright, as far as adjusting to the life of Uganda. Prestique, Jacobs and I love ya dearly. Paula

Artists-Eyes.com said...

Hi Renee,

Would Jon Grant be with your group?
I tried to phone on the number he gave me but it just doesn't go through.
his mom, Carol

Kim said...

You are more than a CONQUEROR.
I love frogs I love Frogs. OK that didn't work . so get in there before dark. What an adjustment but you are up for it,

Anonymous said...

Mulembe. Kodh'eyo It that "bourgeois" - meaning conventional: associated with affluent middle-class people, who are often characterized as conventional, conservative, or materialistic in outlook?

Pit latrines are awesome! In fact, every PCV in the Busoga region has one. Busoga-land is also full of marshes so expect a lot of frogs and lizards.

Hi Mrs. Grant. We hope we get to meet your son. Somehow. Put a +256 infront of his 7xxxxxxx number. Weraba!

Artists-Eyes.com said...

Anonymous-I did put the 256 in front of the number and it did not go through. I will try again today.
carol-Jon Grant's mom

Anonymous said...

Wow Renee,
Sounds like a lot of fun. You will be a frog lover before long. Stay strong and remember why you are there. Good Luck, P-Did