Sunday, August 19, 2007

More Updates

Hey people. "Wasuze otya?" That is loosley "Good Morning" in Lusoga. I am learning bit by bit. I have found out that I maybe in the Lusoga speaking region. That is sort of central eastern Uganda. Towards Jinja. Tht's pretty neat, b/c that is the source of the Nile. Not so neat, because there will be tons of frogs. Ugh. Gotta take the good with the bad and keep it moving.

So, news updates- I got a phone!!!! I will not publish my number here b/c this is a public blog. There's is no telling who might call me. But you can contact my mom if you would like to call me. You will need a Africa phone card- or an international card that can call Eastern Africa. Incoming txts and calls are free for me. Outgoing international calls or texts is too expensive for my PCT budget. I was only able to send 10 txts with my prepaid card. So I will keep my phone on and wait for calls from you!!! I am 7 hours ahead of EST, 8 hours ahead of CST, and 10 hrs ahead for PST. But, I am impatiently waiting for my siblings and family to call so I don't care what time it is. I am answering the phone!!!!

Luweero is where I am for training. It is nice here and electircity is sometimes on, sometimes off. I still haven't gotten used to the pit latrines, but I am hoping that will come with time. Let's just say- my shoes have recieved many a christening! That reminds me, Hey, mom where are my sneakers!!! Ta Ta for now.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

If you don't want to hit your shoes you have to make sure your hiney is far back and everything is facing down not toward the shoes!! Didn't want to get too detailed!

Kamryn is trying to say "momma" but she can only get 'mmmmmm' out! She also learned how to scream this really high pitch comes from deep in her throat! She was a lil' monkey for cute!

I will have to get your number but I thought I had one it the same?? I WILL call soon! I am working on my master's and just started working in the evenings.

Love ya!