Thursday, September 27, 2007


Olio tya ya'll!!!

I have coined a new phrase in Lusoga. I like to refer is as Southern Hospitality meets Busoga.

I met my co-workers that I will work with for the next few years. All I can say is that they are awesome. I definitely believe that God's favor has been upon me and this group. First He saves us from an accident that could have taken our lives, but we only had a few scratches and bruises and now He has enabled us to be paired with people of like minds and goals within areas that we are truly interested in. How awesome!!! I believe "the prayers of the righteous availeth much." Thanks Mom and Dad and all those interceding on our behalf: Grandparents, ministers, family, and friends.

I will work along side 2 colleagues in developing a youth program in Kamuli. One of my colleagues shares a teaching background like myself. How awesome! I go for a site visit next week where I will be fortunate enough to pick out my own house and I might even have a toilet and a kitchen. I'm still praying on those items. So send up some praise now because I know God is able! I have mastered going to the pit latrine- but hey- I won't complain if I get a "porcelain throne!" I am heir to His throne!!!



Unknown said...

Hey Renee... It was great hearing your voice the other day. I am so happy you will be with people with like minds and goals, think of how much you all will be able to accomplish for the people of Uganda. We are praying for you and your hopes and desires... Just know you are our s-hero. Love you

Anonymous said...

Hey Renee,
I am so proud of you and hopefully you will get the house that you want. We love you and I haven't forgotten about the package. I'm call you this weekend.

Love Your cousin, Paula Blake